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complete space中文是什么意思

用"complete space"造句"complete space"怎么读"complete space" in a sentence


  • 完备空间


  • Complete space - like hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in lorentz spaces
  • This now presents a picture of the complete space sector over four consecutive years . data for the upstream sector cover a longer period , 1991 to 2003
  • N . veissid , p . nubile , a . f . beloto , a . m . andrade , 1990 , “ the solar cell experiment of the first brazilian complete space mission satellite ” , ieee , pp . 1184 - 1187
    陈建富等, 1999 , “单相三线式光伏能量转换系统之研究” ,电力电子技术,第50期,页93 - 101 。
  • An adaptive space subdivision method based on clustering is proposed , which completes space subdivision through two steps : first the objects are classified through a new local - density based clustering algorithm , then the space is subdivided according to the clustering
  • This thesis tries to modify the perfect set of waveguide mode theory and gives several examples of its application . firstly , from the functional analysis , the eigenfunction series of vectorial partial differential operator is studied . the property of complete space is gotten
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